Friday, July 13, 2007

Hello Superweek Campers!

It occurred to the staff of Superweek a few days before camp that we really should have a blog. We know, everyone has a blog these days but were giving it a shot anyways. The reason we decided to have a Superweek blog is simple. We feel that once you are a Superweek camper you are always a Superweek camper. You are our responsibility before and after camp. We cannot provide you with a great week of camp and then just leave you hanging for a year! That just wouldn't be cool. We want this to be a safe website for you to visit so this is how it will work.

1. The staff will contribute a devotional thought or some important camp info at least once a month. Hopefully more.

2. In order to keep you safe from the "not so normal" people on the internet, we will approve all comments posted on the board. It's OK to be negative, just now obscene. (Not that any of us who go to camp have ever said an obscene thing in our lives) This blog is just for you.

3. We need you to stay involved. We do what we do, when we do! This means visit the blog often. This will be a great place to stay in touch with fellow campers and staff. We as staff are always looking for ideas for themes, skits, games and whatever else may help make our week great. We do it all for you and to the glory of God! Your ideas are important to us. I am not promising that every idea posted will be used but all things will be considered. If you don't like a certain game on game day, tell us why. If you love having a basketball tournament tell us why. If you love corndog day, let us know. (admit it, we all love corndog day). If there is something specific about the bible you want to learn about, tell us. That's why we are here. If you need prayers from us and other campers, feel free to ask.

4. It is our goal to provide you with useful material to study after camp. Several staff members will be contributing to this blog so it will not be one person giving the same lessons. It is also our goal to inform you of things coming up at camp. For example, have you registered for the fall youth rally Sept 14-16? We want to give you as much information as possible about camp. We want your help in making it happen.

Once again, this site is for you. You are all very special to us. Our friendship really shouldn't be contained within a weeks time in June. I talk to my camp friends every week either by phone, email or blog. Lets make sure that we are all staying brothers and sisters the rest of the year.

More to come soon,

In Him,

Danny Baddeley
1st Week Director

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Profile - Tommy Brown

Hey there everybody! My name is Tommy Brown and I serve as the Program Director for Superweek. With input from the Program Team, I make the schedule for the week, plan activities and manage Production stuff like setting up our sound, lighting and video systems. I started coming to Superweek when I was 10 years old and became a staff member (Engineer) after I graduated from High School. I live in Charleston, SC with my wife Becky. We are members of the Church at Summerville ( I work for Production Design Associates ( where I am the Logistics Manager/Assistant Production Manager. Our company specializes in audio, video, lighting and special effects. We help produce events for everyone from President Bush to BMW Corporation, most of the current Presidential Candidates, individuals and small businesses. In my free time I like to play video games on my Nintendo Wii, play guitar ( and hike on the Appalachian Trail ( I would love to hear your comments and suggestions regarding Superweek, drop me a line at See you all in June!

Profile - Stephen (Stemy) Mynhier

I started coming to Superweek in 1989 after moving from Florida to Greenville, SC. Yes, I bled orange before I even moved to SC. I started on staff in 1992 and was on the first squad of engineers. I was an engineer up through 1999. After Superweek in 1999, I moved to Dallas, TX and, due to scheduling issues, took a hiatus from Superweek for three years. When my wife Alissa and I moved from Dallas to Kingsport, TN, I was able to return back to Superweek in 2002. After being in Kingsport for a year, we moved to Charlotte, NC. After being in Charlotte for a year, we moved to Tucson, AZ. After being in Tucson for 3 years (a record since I've been married), we moved back to Charlotte. Hopefully, we'll be in Charlotte for the foreseeable future.

I work for Microsoft and I make email work. Spam and pr0n are my mortal enemies... and NO, there no email tracking program where Bill Gates sends you money for forwarding an email, so please stop. No, I don't care if you have a friend who is an attorney, so please stop. No, I don't care if your brother's girlfriend got a check at the Baylor/UT game, please stop.

What do I do at Superweek.... hmmm... for the last few years I've worked on the team program, Games Day, and the video. This year, Ben will be picking up the work of Games Day during camp.

You can call me:
Stemy (yes, even my business cards say 'stemy')
Cobra Commander (the hooded one... the poseur with the shiney mask is a tool)
Stephen (if you think 'stemy' is 'just weird')

You might have seen me as:
The motorcycle driving good angel who drove Scripture Man's "chariot to heaven"
Ninjaneer who spent the night in the trees of camp watching over you
Samson swinging from a rope
An original prophet of Baal (pronounced BAIL and not BAWWWWL)
A maniacal pig who received Legion
Bad angel with katana
Stephen lying stoned under a blanket while women sang over me
The sleep-deprived hermit who lives in the top of the Ark

Profile - Larry Salley

Larry Salley (who posts under the name Coach Sal) has been a Superweek staffer since 2004.

He lives in Charleston, SC with his wife, Ann (also a Superweek staffer) and three children (all Superweek campers). They attend the Summerville Church of Christ.

Profile - Danny Baddeley

At the end of SuperWeek 2007, long time director Curt Harbuck stepped down as director and publicly named Danny as his successor. Danny has served SuperWeek as assistant director for several years and has served on the staff of three weeks of camp in a variety of roles from operations director to dishwasher.

Danny currently lives in Hendersonville, North Carolina and attends the Hendersonville Church of Christ.

Profile - DK

David Kelly, also known as DK, has been on staff at Superweek since 1997.

He currently lives in North Augusta, South Carolina and attends the North Augusta Church of Christ.