Hey there everybody! My name is Tommy Brown and I serve as the Program Director for Superweek. With input from the Program Team, I make the schedule for the week, plan activities and manage Production stuff like setting up our sound, lighting and video systems. I started coming to Superweek when I was 10 years old and became a staff member (Engineer) after I graduated from High School. I live in Charleston, SC with my wife Becky. We are members of the Church at Summerville (http://www.summervillechurchofchrist.com/). I work for Production Design Associates (http://www.pdastage.com/) where I am the Logistics Manager/Assistant Production Manager. Our company specializes in audio, video, lighting and special effects. We help produce events for everyone from President Bush to BMW Corporation, most of the current Presidential Candidates, individuals and small businesses. In my free time I like to play video games on my Nintendo Wii, play guitar (http://www.rickenbacker.com/) and hike on the Appalachian Trail (http://www.appalachiantrail.org/). I would love to hear your comments and suggestions regarding Superweek, drop me a line at buckingham7@yahoo.com. See you all in June!