Monday, April 7, 2008

What's your favorite camp memory?

I was thinking about the many years I have been at PBC as both a camper and a staff member and about all the great times I have had. Camp means so many things to so many different people. I'm curious to what is your favorite moment at camp? For me, I think it was getting the opportunity to baptize my brother. I'll never forget that evening. I was wearing a cast on my left arm, covered with a plastic bag and wasn't sure if I could bring Ben back up from the water, but when I did it was amazing to see my new brother. That's only one of hundreds of great camp moments I could write about, but I want to hear yours.

So, whats your favorite camp memory?

Danny Baddeley


stemy said...

I don't know if this would qualify as my "favorite" camp memory... but it was certainly a memory... I was playing the part of Samson one year and the plan was to make an entry onto stage by jumping from the bleachers and swinging from a rope -- over all the campers -- and landing on stage. There was much careful planning and measurement to insure that the rope could come to rest in the center of stage. Unfortunately, mid-flight I realized that (presumably) my fellow engineers had moved all of the pews forward several feet... placing my landing zone smack in the middle of tightly-spaced pews full of campers. Somehow... someway... I managed to thread the needle and land in the 18 inches between the ends of two pews...

DK said...

In 2000, the SWAT girls did a skit in the talent show making fun of the engineers. I almost stopped breathing because I was laughing so hard when Megan did her impression of Pete.


It was great.

Paul Senn said...

Two words. Worship Baal!

Pete Goode said...

4 more words: Paul Senn & Tommy Brown... just about anything those 2 did left us all rolling for hours

Pete Goode said...

4 more words: Paul Senn & Tommy Brown... just about anything those 2 did left us all rolling for hours

Do I Really live this Life? said...

1)JD as JC

2)learning the Jitterbug from Nurse Karen.

3)Scriptureman and Tanto

4) Standing at the mouth of the visible waterfall from camp with JD and a few others.