Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sometimes you just gotta laugh...

When it's really late in the week (or late in the night), it's the little things -- in this case, a highlighter and a small-town newspaper -- that keep you laughing. We all love Aimee's contagious laugh, so we keep a video camera trained on her constantly because she's guaranteed to provide some of the best footage.

What are "cremains" you say? Try asking Stephanie and Aimee at Superweek 2008... they've had almost a full year to figure it out.


Aimée Nicholson said...

Hahaha! Oh no! This is why I dislike being stationed in the ping-pong room. The cameras are just too conveniently closeby.

But for the record (according to the Marietta paper, as understood by Stephanie and Aimée):
cremains: n. the remains after a cremation

I can't wait to see what delights await in the "Poultry" section...

Steph said...

ah yes, the poultry section. It is always chock full of goodies and tidbits.

Why am I just finding out about this blog?

stemy said...

Because you're not on the internet enough :)

Now you just need to get on Facebook too...

stemy said...

Come and join the Superweek at PBC Facebook group!